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Why is Portugal losing people?
What are some of the most interesting scientific facts known to you?
What are some symbols and themes found in the novel “The Bluest Eye” by Toni Morrison?
What are shocking historical facts they don’t teach you in school?
A bank in Los Angeles called the police because they had a problem with an elderly resident. When the officer arrived, he found a 92-year-old man upset because the bank wouldn't give him money. His identity card had expired, and the bank could not pay him without valid documents. The old man, however, did not understand what the problem was. Instead of escorting him out of the bank, the policeman took the old man by the arm and drove him to the police station, where he was immediately issued a new ID. The policeman then drove him back to the bank, where he was handed the money a few minutes before the counter closed.
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Lawyers always say to refuse field sobriety tests, but what's the point of refusing if you’ll almost certainly get arrested for refusing the field test and taken back to the station to get your BAC measured regardless of what you do?